Samsung S3 Price in India
Here we comes with another topic which is trending on twitter –
Rs. 43,180 not this is not with regards to any price hike or cut off pricing
but this is for the Samsung Galaxy S# price in India which will cost around Rs.
43,180 which equals to around $750.
Samsung galaxy also trended 2 weeks before on twitter when
they officially announce the launch of Samsung Galaxy S3. We covered this topic
on our blog with the images of Samsung Galaxy S3. At an event in Delhi Samsung
launched Galaxy S3 today with a market price tag of around Rs. 42000. Although
there are no discussion on various version of 32 GB or others.
Some of the main features of Samsung Galaxy S3 are AMOLED
display which gives you high resolutions with a quad core 1.4 GHZ processor and
the same 8 Mega pixel camera which is available already in Samsung S2.
Currently white version of Samsung S3 is available and hope of Blue version coming
soon in the marketing.
Kindly check this post for the images of Samsung S3.
My tweet with this topic was
Samsung launches Galaxy S3 for Rs 43,180. previously it was Indian govt who trended topics like 7.50, Rs. 2.50 Rs. 1.50 and now its Samsung
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Samsung S3
Samsung S3